The opening time of Panjiayuan Antique Market is 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Every day, here always crowded with a lot of visitors. Even this antique market has listed as the old and traditional market the enthusiastic from community still very high. Mostly visitors are looking for some hundreds years old ceramics or porcelain.

Besides porcelain, there also offers some other antiques for example, calligraphy, old comb, old spoon, vase, metals things and others. With so many precious things, here is also a suitable place for hunting some authentic Chinese souvenirs or accessories.

Visitors who have some interest to buy some antiques from this market, they should bargain it first, at least 10% from the first price. It can be said, the sellers have some tradition to sell the antiques 10 times higher from the normal price. So, same as other market in Beijing, visitors should be not tired and must be the patient one to bargain a lot.

The layout of the market is really unique. There even have some maps for something, so it will be very easy to find the certain things that you want. The buyers mostly are some antiques collector who have own hobby find the antiques that they want everywhere, even till around the world. In Panjiayuan Antique Market, there also occasionally hold antique auctions. The price also can be said very fantastic. Some antiques which must be a little bit expensive. So, not only Chinese people but also foreign collectors come to hunt some antiques that they want specially.

The area of Panjiayuan Market is large and clean. Some cleaning service will always clean the market every afternoon. So because of that, in the morning this market has already come back clean again. If you don't understand antiques, just walk around and enjoy the design and the shape of Chinese antiques in this market.